Industrial Added Value

美 [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈædɪd ˈvæljuː]英 [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˈædɪd ˈvæljuː]
  • 网络工业增加值
Industrial Added ValueIndustrial Added Value
  1. The Probe and Analysis on the Index of Industrial Added Value Rate


  2. Question and countermeasure existing in the calculation of industrial added value of small and medium-sized enterprises


  3. Industrial added value for the year is planned to increase by11 percent .


  4. Facing Above-scale Industrial Added Value of RMB Reduce Energy Consumption by Countermeasures and Suggestions


  5. Their industrial added value grew by 99.3 percent , with an average annual growth rate of 12.2 percent ;


  6. In recent years , Henan province each year undertakes larger-scale , and industrial added value growth rate accelerate development .


  7. The first six months recorded a rise of 7.9 percent in industrial added value on the same period of last year .


  8. GDP , fixed assets investment and the industrial added value can be good indicators and predictions for fluctuations of monetary structure .


  9. The article points out that the regional industrial added value rate varies with two main factors : department structure and specialized division of labour .


  10. Finally , Industry linkages , industry concentration and the technology gap each has different impact on the industrial added value of domestic enterprises and FDI technology spillover .


  11. From 1952 to 1998 , the industrial added value increased by 159 times calculated according to the constant prices , with an average annual growth rate of 11.6 percent ;


  12. Based on summing up history papers , this thesis built up an economic model which formulated the dynamic relationship between R & D expenditures and industrial added value .


  13. However the international crude oil prices on industrial added value growth rate and imports and exports growth are in a positive response before a negative response , and then slowly disappear .


  14. The fixed assets investment , industrial added value and total retail sales of consumer goods in central and western China are growing at a markedly higher pace than the national average .


  15. The growth speed of nationwide industrial added value has been dropped by 1.2 percentage points , from 10.6 % from January to February to 9.4 % in the first half year .


  16. As the center of western region , the industrial added value accounted for 35.3 % share of GDP in Chengdu in 2007 , it has a rate of 49 % in economic growth .


  17. Industrial added value and gross output value fluctuations are weakly correlated with economic fluctuation in the corresponding period of time . But the correlation is much stronger in the long term than in the short term .


  18. The industrial added value growth rate , money growth rate has a positive impact ; the inflation rate , market interest rates and the exchange rate has a negative impact . The conclusion is basically consistent with the theory .


  19. But we should see soberly , there are a lot of questions in the fast development of the equipment manufacturing industry of our country . For example , the labor productivity and industrial added value rate are low ;


  20. First , select the macro-economic variables : the money supply , the total retail sales of consumer goods , industrial added value , the total social fixed investment and imports and exports , to study the effect of total amount of these factors on the price fluctuations .


  21. The author chose the industrial added value , money supply ( M2 ), Consumer Sensitive Index and National Housing Sensitive index as the representative indicators of the macro-economy . And he studied the relationship between these indicators and the stock price indexes of Shanghai and Shenzhen .


  22. But industrial production added value has no explain ability .


  23. Stand out special characteristic , build new material industrial base with high added value .


  24. Automobile industry as a capital and technology-intensive industry , it is related to a long industrial chain and high added value .


  25. Besides , the article proposes a series of counter policy measures such as extending agricultural industrial chains , increasing added value of agriculture , bringing into full play regional relative advantages , developing farm products of local features and realizing business of large scale .
